So I feel an explanation is in order for my elongated absence. I can only blame my ambitiousness and the unexpected success of the frugelhorn players who surprisingly advanced well into the postseason. Unfortunately they will not be playing in the final round but will get to play in 12 days for 3rd place! I am proud of their accomplishments but it took a lot more time out of my day than I ever anticipated. Hence my training suffered dramatically. My conscious would not allow me to parcel my efforts between intense training and frugelhorn instruction. Thus I chose the altruistic path and spent more time and effort with them instead of myself. I deduced that more of them were influenced from my instruction than were finding this blog beneficial. But as this season winds down to a smoldering close, I am opportunistic that I can renew my training!
And I have chosen on this Eve of All Hallow's Eve to announce that I will not be able to run in the Rockledge Rumble on the 10th of November. For that very morning, we have our last Flugelhorn Competition. I have emailed the race directors to express my plight in hopes that someone will be able to take my spot. For as talented as I may not appear, I am surely not talented enough to be in 2 places 20 leagues apart at the same time.
I have decided to embark on a new race objective on March 23rd, 2013 that is called the Grasslands Race in Decatur TX. This should give me ample time to train for I shall need it! The race lengths are either 13.1, 26.2 or 50 miles. Common Sense dictates that I should attempt the 13.1 race, so naturally I will make the 50 mile race my objective.
I have run sporadically over the last 2 months, but I ventured out this very eve and completed a paltry 4 mile run and feel none the worse for it. And this after donating blood yesterday (once again Common Sense has eluded me)! Much to my surprise I averaged just over 10 minutes per mile so perhaps I have retained a small pathetic portion of my my previous unfitness!
Additionally, I am working on a tweeting social media application that will allow, all who wish to do so, the ability to get updates on my training runs. I am planning to have it send out updates every 1.5 miles and I hope to have this application operational for tomorrow's run. Thus if you see my progress cease to a grinding halt, please notify emergency personnel immediately for my enemies may be upon me! When this exciting application is running correctly (unlike it did this very night), I will give the necessary instructions that are needed. I am sure that you are excited to watch relentless backwards progress as it happens live!
I hope this prose has found you well and that you look forward to my new mis-adventure opportunities!