Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Week 2 is underway!
 I have recovered quite well physically from my nightmare run @ River Legacy. I learned a minor lesson or 2.
#1 - Forest Druids are evil. Never trust their directions. Their intentions are meant for evil purposes.
#2 - Good maps are awesome (I printed maps of all of the trails I plan to run and I may even take them with me on my runs)
 Back to Week 2! Today was a planned as a short recovery run. 2.5 miles didn't seem like much of a run so I decided to hit the Trinity Trails in Ft Worth right after work. I hit the 2nd mile and decided that I would exceed expectations and felt good enough to run 5. Then I felt a weird sensation overtake me and I headed back @ 1.5 miles and totaled 3 miles. I think this weird sensation could have been my first ever encounter with discipline. A very much foreign concept with me. A strange voice inside told me to follow the plan. If you don't follow the plan, then why even have a plan. So I headed back towards the car and finished 3 miles in a little over 30 minutes. Definitely not my fastest time but it was 95 degrees outside and I did finish strong. I stopped by 7-11 (sponsorship opportunity) and bought some Gatorade (sponsorship opportunity again!). The clerk asked if I was ok because I was still sweating and I imagine a little rank. I kept smelling my son's locker room bag from football. I guess it was me. I told her I had just ran 3 miles outside at the Trinity. Thinking that sounded impressive, I was surprised when she asked me if I ran that on purpose. Ha! Yes ma'am I did run that on purpose. I am the Ultra-Idiot.
 When I got home I put on a welding helmet and looked at Venus transversing the Sun. That was pretty cool even if the neighbors were somewhat confused.
 Tomorrow The Plan (I will now refer to the plan as The Plan because it makes the plan look More Important) calls for 3.5 miles. I am considering doing this on a trail because it will create more opportunity for Mis-adventure. We'll see how the weather holds up. Gotta go. I think I saw a laughing armadillo outside which makes me wonder if I need counseling.

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